Mutha & The Death of Ham-ma Fuku
Daniel Suberviola / Spain / 26' / 2021.

Mutha searches for antipersonnel mines in the Western Sahara Desert. Every day, she faces death. Every exploded landmine reminds her that she has saved a life, but also that a mine marked her destiny. She is not alone between the fire and the sand. At her side, a presence paralyzes her, but also forces her to keep searching.

• Screenwriter Daniel Suberviola, José Manuel Martín Almeida
• Cameraman Ignacio Llarena, Daniel Suberviola
• Editing Daniel Suberviola
• Producer José Manuel Martín Almeida

Festivals and awards

The film won the Best documentary film award at the In the Palace International Short Festival – Docs in Bulgaria. It was screened at Krakow Film Festival, Festival Internacional DerHumALC, Festival de DDHH de San Sebastián and many others