Sine Die
Camila Moreiras / Spain / 15' / 2021.

Amidst desert landscapes and chain-link fences, plutonium lies scattered and buried in the village of Palomares, Spain. A voiceover narration describes an undisclosed medical condition, and land and body converge in the uncomfortable difference between recovery and survival. Two stories told in parallel, Sine die is based on real events that invoke physical contamination: that of the land surrounding Palomares, and of a body in sickness—the director’s. The film reflects upon the condition of the chronically present that urges both land and body to acclimatize at all costs.

• Screenwriter Camila Moreiras
• Cameraman Camila Moreiras
• Editing Pablo Gil, Camila Moreiras
• Producer Valérie Delpierre

Festivals and awards

IDFA 2021.
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria International Film Festival 2022.
Festival Internacional de Cine de Guadalajara 2022.
Festival Silhouette - Paris 2022.

Inicia Films