22/08/2008 Mediterranean film festival
Musical ethno-band ''Cinkuši'' at the opening of Mediteran film festival
This year at the opening evening of the festival, Croatian ethno-band “Cinkuši” (label “World music”) will entertain us. Music is the main media through which “Cunkuši” express their ideas and view on the world. As the basis they use rich Croatian folk heritage, mostly from kajkavian speaking area, in which they interpolate their author approach and literary role models, and the clichés also, which arouse collective emotionality.


In the tradition of kajkavian area “cinkuš” denotes a bell which follows people from their birth till the death. It wakes, announces, warns, sounds alarm bells, it is a wedding bell and a Golgotha’s too. Thanks to being energetic, their honesty and spontaneousness which have been present since the founding the group in the middle nineties, “Cinkuši” last no matter the trends.

We hope you will enjoy with the band with which this year’s MFF parties start.

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