07/01/2018 Mediterranean film festival
The First Online Base of Films From B&H
The Association of Filmmakers of BiH presented the first online database of films from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The first phase has been completed, and the Base currently contains information on all the BH films originated in the period from 1996 to 2017. At the moment the second phase is in the process, which contains the films created from 1992 to 1996. After that, the Association of filmmakers of BiH will start with data collection and processing for the earlier periods.  

This is the first online base of Bosnian-Herzegovinian films, featuring all the fiction, documentary and animated films produced in BH production or co-production. In addition to the catalogue data and the photographs, the visitors of the BH Film Database will also have access to biographies and filmographies of UFRBiH members who worked on these films. All the data are linked, which makes it easier to search for specific categories. This catalogue of BH film data was of great importance for BH cinematography, film authors, as well as the audience, lovers of this art. 

You can search all the information on BH movies on link.

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